Hey everyone! Just so we have a fun time Rping, here are the rules.
1)Have fun.
2)Every post should be at least 2-3 sentences at minimum so users have something to go off of! We want to make topics long and dramatic!
3)Be respectful to everyone. Everyone has the same amount of respect.
4)Please make sure you fill out a Character Resgistration form before you start posting.
5)Don't leave people behind in forum conversations.
6)For a topic to be private, you must state who can post in the title of your topic.
7)At the end of a topic, please put ***END OF TOPIC*** so we can put it in the finished topics section.
8)Please stay involved with the forum. If you will be away for more then 2 days, please state so in the Going away section.
9)Have an idea? Please contact one of the admins.
10) If you don't post without notification to the Admins for more then 10 days, your account will be warned. If you don't post for more then 20 days without notification, it will be deleted.
11)Please wait to be approved by your character registration before posting.
And guys, just a general statement. No one wants godmodding so please try and not do that. I don't want to make a power registration! =P